
Tex Year Products



Tex Year Group with ITRI cooperates to develop biodegradable hot melt adhesive.


Tex Year Group with ITRI cooperates to develop biodegradable hot melt adhesive.

The institute’s polymer division and Tex Year Group began working together last year on the hot-melt adhesive using biodegradable plastic as the base ingredient rather than traditional petrochemical plastic.The institute said the technical knowledge would be transferred to Tex Year Group for commercial utilization. The polymer division plans to work on other projects such as decomposing ocean plastic debris and creating other advancements in plastics, it added.“The ITRI is actively helping Taiwanese industry develop a green supply chain and aid in Taiwan’s green industrial transformation,” said Lee Tzong-ming, deputy director-general of the Material and Chemical Research Laboratories at the ITRI.In addition to being bio-degradable, the new glue’s special molecular structure design gives it excellent qualities as a hot-melt adhesive, Lee said. It melts at the 80°C, and “has excellent adhesive and durable properties,” he said.Tex Year Group chairman said the new adhesive can help clients who need to conform to new EU carbon tax regulations.“We are the first company in Asia to receive certification from the German Institute for Standardization, and will soon receive our biodegradable and compostable certifications,” Hsiao said.Biodegradable hot melt adhesive application What is BIO & GREEN environmental friendly adhesives and materials? Press ReleasesTaipei TimesNew glue to help meet green plastics standards  


EQUS autoclave, 10 years of evolvement to become the expert of infection control


EQUS autoclave, 10 years of evolvement to become the expert of infection control

德淵投入先進醫療器材的開發與製造已超過十年,2013年開始以 EQUS 自有品牌行銷海內外,布局面向從開發製造,延伸到服務層面,成為首家成立技術客服維修保養團隊的台灣品牌原廠,就是為了提供品牌永續且即時性服務。除多次獲得台灣精品獎的高度肯定之外,也取得日本牙科專業用品領導品牌廠的代工專案;新冠肺炎疫情肆虐期間,專業醫療院所對於感染控制的規格要求大幅提升,不僅是保護病人,也是守護辛苦醫療從事人員的健康,符合歐盟滅菌法規 EN13060:2014認證的EQUS桌上型蒸氣高壓滅菌系列產品,在今年前五月銷售成績較去年同期成長66%之多。 蒸氣高壓滅菌設備的產品應用層面非常廣,舉凡需要重複使用在不同病人身上的器械,為避免使用過的器械上所沾附的體液或組織殘留,接觸到下一位病人而造成交叉感染,除了徹底清潔與消毒之外,很多沾附在器械上肉眼看不見的細菌或病毒,是必須再藉由完整的「滅菌」程序才能達到較好的效果;所有大型醫院都使用了能抽真空的大型滅菌設備以確保注入的高壓蒸氣能深入孔洞獲得最好的滅菌效果;但在牙科診所、醫美診所、耳鼻喉科診所…等中小型的專業醫療場所因空間受限,必須採用符合歐盟小型(桌上型)滅菌設備產品滅菌法規EN13060:2014中Class B等級的產品才能達到大型醫院的醫療滅菌效果。德淵EQUS所推出的 Class B 系列產品 TEV17 與 C24,通過EN13060:2014認證,能有效消滅所有隱藏在深入孔洞中的微生物,並兼顧了效率,能在最短時間之內得到最高的滅菌效果。除了針對牙科診所的專業需求所開發出來的滅菌設備之外,EQUS也開發出一系]列滅菌產品以供動物醫院、實驗室、美甲刺青店…等有器械滅菌需求的營業場所使用。根據調查2020年美西的新冠肺炎感染源頭就是美甲店,同時近期台灣也傳出牙醫師看診染疫,凸顯出在新冠疫情期間,做好器械滅菌的重要性。根據美國 Global Market Insights 於2021年2月所公布的市場調查報告,蒸氣滅菌設備在2020年全球市場總值超過 22億美金,預期在 2021~2027將會以 9.7% CAGR成長。需求增加主因是外科手術器械的複雜度及需求大幅提升,以及無毒性殘留,並能快速滅菌的特性。德淵評估桌上型(中小型)蒸氣滅菌設備將以 10.5%的速度增長,因為缺水狀況更好的安全機制、自動化的滅菌行程控制、全不鏽鋼的堅固架構,並且能移動到不同場所重新設立的便利性,讓桌上型蒸氣滅菌設備在各種類的醫療機構中更受偏好而快速成長。了解更多感控控制、器械滅菌、蒸氣高壓滅http://www.equsmaster.com/index.php?lang=tw 


The EQUS Computerized Pulse Vacuum Autoclave Venus(TAT-203C) has won the 2015 Taiwan Excellence Award.


The EQUS Computerized Pulse Vacuum Autoclave Venus(TAT-203C) has won the 2015 Taiwan Excellence Award.

The EQUS Computerized Pulse Vacuum Autoclave Venus(TAT-203C) has won the 2015 Taiwan Excellence Award for superior quality, design, and performance.Venus owned the Europe standard “class B” and fulfilled all your sterilization needs. From market survey to product development, we never stop to feedback the product design to our target. This is also Taiwan excellent award’s spirit.EQUS Computerized Pulse Vacuum Autoclave TAT-203CThanks to the PID thermostatically control technology, the fastest sterilization cycle completes within 20 minutes. Besides, informative display is also thoughtful for user by iconic program and LCD monitor. Feel free to communicate with the sterilizer and easy to read any sterilization relative data from the light smart window on Venus. It seems to have a smart and beautiful assistant, Venus, to help you finish the infection control work.She owns the ability like1. 7 preset programs + 2 configurable programs + 3 test programs.2. The PID technology controls the temperature difference within 0.5 degree.3. The LCD monitor display.4. 2 water filling openings.5. Design with SD card, USB and printer RS232.6. Maintenance reminder.7. CE, PED certification.About Tex Year Industries Inc.EQUS brand is owned by TEX YEAR. Established for mor than 37 years, TEX YEAR is an OTC listed company and consists of more than 400 employees and over twenty million USD of capitalization. EQUS products possess Medical Device Licenses in various countries, have gained ISD9001, ISO13485, EN13060 and European CE0120 certification and are recognized as a GMP Factory Distinguished Manufacturer. Being the first autoclave manufacturer to earn the Taiwan Excellence Award once again validates the high quality that EQUS products have earned in the medical device industry.The EQUS core values of Evolution, Quality and Service produce products that are convenient, safe, efficient and easy to maintain.