Tex Year advocates safe, innovative, and eco-friendly HMA and specialty chemical products. Besides, Tex Year also offers safe and employ- friendly workplace in order to achieve zero accident, the ultimate goal Tex Year pursues.
ISHA encourages companies to engage in health and safety management to enhance the awareness of safety from employers and employees. ISHA managed the event of “record of accident-free work hours” for the goal of zero accident at workplaces.
Taoyuan plant has accumulated 1,697,384 accident –free work hours with 71 employees as participants from May 1st 2006 to Novemberl 30th 2022.
工時計算 (一)無災害工時紀錄不包含交通意外事故(如上、下班時間)。
無災害工時累計級距表 桃園廠級距 50人以上未滿100人,累計達240,000工時。