
Tex Year Products



Ocean Conservation: Starting with Beach Cleaning


Ocean Conservation: Starting with Beach Cleaning

Every year, April 22nd marks Earth Day, a crucial reminder for us to pay attention to the Earth's environment and protect natural resources. On April 13th, 2024, the Tex Year Social Welfare Association initiated a beach cleaning event, calling upon residents to take action together at the Wanli Xiaoliao Beach in New Taipei, Taiwan. This year, there are 94 participants in the event.After three hours of beach cleaning, we collected a significant amount of marine debris, including many plastic products such as bottles, plastic food containers, fishing nets, Styrofoam balls, and more, totaling 140 kilograms of trash.This beach cleaning event once again reminded us of the serious challenges facing the marine environment. The massive presence of plastic waste poses a threat to marine ecosystems, affecting the survival and habitat of marine life. The disposable plastic utensils and other items we use every day are among the primary sources of this marine debris.Therefore, we should realize that protecting the marine environment is not just about beach cleaning but is a long-term task that requires active participation from everyone. We should reduce the use of disposable plastic products, encourage the use of renewable or biodegradable alternatives, and properly dispose of and recycle garbage.Through this beach cleaning event, we hope to raise more awareness about the protection of the marine environment and encourage everyone to start from small actions in our daily lives to collectively care for the Earth and strive for a better world. Let each of us become guardians of the Earth, starting with you and me, to make the Earth a better place. 


Rapid Growth in India's Domestic Market Seeks Trustworthy Partners. Tex Year Laid the Foundation in India Ten Years Ago


Rapid Growth in India's Domestic Market Seeks Trustworthy Partners. Tex Year Laid the Foundation in India Ten Years Ago

"Rapid Growth in India's Domestic Market Seeks Trustworthy Partners." With India's vast market opportunities heating up, the rapidly growing market of 1.4 billion people has become the next leap for Taiwanese businesses! Tex Year CEO Donald Hsiao said "We saw India as the next China 10 years ago!"In 2013, Tex Year established a factory in India, with engineering processes and product technology led by Tex Year. Through the local experience of Indian partners, Tex Year has developed its business strategies and deeply cultivated the Indian market. Over the past decade, Tex Year has experienced "double-digit growth every year" in the Indian market. Tex Year is Taiwan's largest manufacturer of hot melt adhesives, focusing on environmentally friendly adhesive products for nearly fifty years. These products find wide applications in various aspects of life such as food, clothing, housing, transportation, education, and leisure. In recent years, due to regulations emphasizing carbon reduction, waste reduction, and circular economy, Tex Year has actively researched and developed innovative technologies and green material solutions such as bio-based, biodegradable, easy-to-tear, easy-to-disassemble, and recyclable materials. Tex Year has obtained various certifications such as the German DIN standards and the USDA certification, practicing ESG and fulfilling corporate social responsibility. Source: https://bit.ly/3TrSLl6, Taiwan Financial Biweekly_No. 700_India Market Report by Lin Hong-Da#TexYearGroup #TEXYEAR #AdhesiveExpert #HotMeltAdhesive #Tex_Year_GPS #GreenPlatformStrategy 


Meet at the Guangzhou International Furniture Fair


Meet at the Guangzhou International Furniture Fair

相约广州国际家具博览会,打造精彩生活隨著傢俱行業的不斷發展,軟體傢俱因其舒適度、便捷性和設計多樣性,逐漸成為市場的新寵。在激烈的市場環境中,德淵集團憑藉自身在國際市場上的優勢,協助軟體傢俱企業成功地在市場進行突破,從而贏得了市場份額。高品質熱熔膠,為傢俱品質保駕護航我們提供高品質的生物基熱熔膠產品,採用可再生生物原料,減少對環境的影響。具有粘接強度高、耐老化、環保無毒等優點,可以有效提高傢俱的穩定性和使用壽命。目前我們已經獲得了多項與生物基熱熔膠相關的專利認證,進一步證明了我們在該領域的領先地位。定制化解決方案,滿足個性化需求我們提供定制化的生物基熱熔膠解決方案,根據客戶的具體需求進行配方調整,確保熱熔膠產品能夠滿足客戶的個性化需求。這使得軟體傢俱企業在生產過程中能夠更加靈活,更好地滿足市場和消費者的多樣化需求。專業技術支持,助力企業創新升級我們擁有一支經驗豐富的研發團隊和技術團隊,不斷探索新的生物基熱熔膠產品和應用領域,助力軟體傢俱企業創新升級,及時瞭解客戶的實際需求和生產過程中的問題,提供針對性的解決方案。德淵將攜合得妙反應型濕氣固化熱熔膠、Innofusion同質可回收熱熔膠、BIONIS生物基/可堆肥熱熔膠亮相廣州國際傢俱博覽會,讓我們在國際傢俱展覽會上,一起共商共贏,共創美好未來。德渊将携合得妙反应型湿气固化热熔胶、Innofusion同质可回收热熔胶、BIONIS生物基/可堆肥热熔胶亮相广州国际家具博览会,让我们在国际家具展览会上,一起共商共赢,共创美好未来。期待在德渊展位与您相见!a合得妙®反應型\濕氣固化PUR熱熔膠Innofusion® 同質可回收熱熔膠BIONIS生物基、可堆肥熱熔膠 更多傢俱熱熔膠應用…有任何熱熔膠、傢俱用膠問題, 歡迎來電洽詢 02-22992121 也可以填寫您的需求    我們會盡快回覆  


Tex Year headquarters obtained the "Renewable Energy Certificate Equipment Inspection Report" for the power plant on December 18, 2023.


Tex Year headquarters obtained the "Renewable Energy Certificate Equipment Inspection Report" for the power plant on December 18, 2023.

Tex Year demonstrates its commitment to ESG corporate sustainable development by actively fulfilling its carbon reduction obligations as responsible global citizens, starting with daily electricity consumption!As part of the Taiwanese business community, Tex Year faces the increasingly severe issue of global warming. Leading by example, the entire team is embracing a journey towards 'green energy, energy conservation, and environmental protection,' embodying Tex Year's commitment to ESG corporate sustainable development in everyday life.In 2013, Tex Year installed a solar power generation system on the roof of its headquarters in the New Taipei Industrial Park. Using their self-made 'solar module encapsulation EVA film' product, they created a solar power generation module with a total capacity of 9.2 megawatts, producing 7,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity annually, which is sold to Taiwan Power Company (Taipower).On December 18, 2023, they completed the transition to self-use, obtaining the power plant's issuance of the 'Renewable Energy Certificate Equipment Inspection Report.' Subsequently, the generated electricity will be supplied to a specialized adhesive material production factory in Taoyuan. To qualify for the 'Renewable Energy Certificate,' for every 1,000 kWh of electricity generated, Tex Year can apply for one certificate, further solidifying their commitment to sustainable practices in energy regeneration.Renewable Energy Certificate Equipment Inspection ReportWhat is a Renewable Energy Certificate (REC)? It is commonly referred to as the identification card of green energy, colloquially known as T-REC. Why is renewable energy important?"Each certificate represents 1000 kilowatt-hours of green energy and can reduce approximately 0.5 metric tons of carbon emissions.Taiwan's Renewable Energy Certificate is one of the few globally supervised by the government, providing government-backed proof of green energy. In addition to government oversight, the Renewable Energy Certificate is an internationally recognized credential for green energy.Taiwan's Renewable Energy Certificate is one of the few globally that is directly supervised by the government, providing a government-backed green energy certification. In addition to government oversight, the Renewable Energy Certificate is internationally recognized as a green energy credential.Tex Year Receives First Renewable Energy Certificate (Green Power Certificate), Expected to Obtain 7 More This Year, Continuing Commitment to ESG Corporate Sustainability  


Tex Year's Green Platform Strategy Paves the Way for Corporate Sustainability


Tex Year's Green Platform Strategy Paves the Way for Corporate Sustainability

德淵(4720)第三屆GPS(綠色材料策略合作平臺)年會於11月30日盛大舉辦;會中德淵董事長兼執行長蕭向志表示,希望藉由合作平臺,整合上下游業者,協助客戶快速、省預算的開發出適合自己的ESG產品;目前包括黑松、義美、群創、旺旺、遠東新、KPMG顧問…等知名公司皆為平臺的合作夥伴隨著全球環保意識的增強,綠色永續的熱熔膠市場也呈現出快速增長的趨勢。德淵的GPS技術平臺將熱熔膠分為「綠色」、「生物」、「循環」、「低碳」四大經濟產品,不論是在綠色經濟平臺的水性壓克力感壓膠、紙吸管用熱溶膠、無鹵素UL 94 V-0耐燃熱熔膠;生物經濟平臺的生物基熱熔膠、生分解/可堆肥熱熔膠、綠色飲料貼管成套解決方案;循環經濟平臺的潔淨回收貼標熱熔膠、可黏,易拆解方案、Innofusion® 同質熱熔膠;低碳經濟平臺的生物基熱熔膠、電子級UV硬化感壓膠,都是德淵已開發完成並受市場歡迎的產品。蕭向志執行長表示,德淵前三季營收為新台幣24.36億元,EPS 0.78元,年增254.55%,營運亮眼;其中,有86%的營收來自於公司自主研發的綠色材料,顯見在ESG的永續浪潮下,各產業對於綠色材料的接受度相當高。除了致力於綠色材料製造外,「創新」也是公司相當重視的環節,例如全球首發生物基可堆肥的感壓熱熔膠,就是由德淵所開發完成的。 生物基熱熔膠是利用植物油、澱粉等生物質資源作為原料製成的熱熔膠,具有良好的環保性能,在使用過程中不會產生揮發性有機化合物(VOC),也不會對環境造成污染。可堆肥熱熔膠則是指在特定條件下可以完全分解為無害物質的熱熔膠,其可應用於包裝、農業、醫療等領域,具有良好的環保和可持續性。此外,因應市場需求,兼具「高黏著強度」、「固化速度快」、「耐化學性佳」、與「光學性能好」的UV膠、清洗時可以輕鬆脫標且不殘膠的潔淨回收膠、具功能性的水性感壓膠…也都是客戶詢問度相當高的重點產品。德淵的GPS(綠色材料策略合作平臺)可分為「綠色」、「生物」、「循環」、「低碳」四大經濟領域,希望能夠協助平臺夥伴從不同的面向開發出兼具實用與綠色永續的產品。蕭向志執行長進一步指出,這幾年來德淵持續邀請業界大咖加入平臺成為聯盟夥伴,為的就是期盼能夠加速上下游間的整合。例如:技術顧問專家群有工研院、紡織研究所、設計研究院;設備商則有專業熱熔膠機的領導品牌-諾達;原物料供應商部分,EASTMAN、EXXON、DOW、EVONIK等國際一流大廠也加入了平臺的行列;客戶端則有黑松、義美、群創、旺旺、王佳、宏全、遠東新、美琪生技、衛普、濾能…等。蕭向志執行長進一步表示,這次的workshop也是活動一大亮點,透過八個主題站區,讓參與的企業能夠透過實作的方式,去思考並更加瞭解自己適合怎樣的產品;並藉由和現場合作夥伴的互動,激盪出實用、具創意的綠色解決方案,讓參與的企業都感到對於產品的開發與製造非常有幫助。根據調研機構Mordor Intelligence所做的調查指出,2023年全球熱熔膠市場規模預計為157.9億美元,預計到2028年將達到221.2億美元,複合年增長率預計將增長6.98%。德淵身為全球熱熔膠的領導品牌,不僅致力產品開發,更強調產業整合,這幾年已有越來越多業界指標性的領導品牌加入GPS,在各企業的緊密交流互動下,後續可望有更多綠色、創新、實用的產品推出,為環境及產業做更有效率的提升。更多活動相關訊息,請參閱德淵官網及FBhttps://www.texyear.com/gps.phphttps://www.facebook.com/TexYearGroup/加入德淵GPS: https://bit.ly/3VguXk9#淨零減碳 #碳管理 #生物可分解 #塑膠再生 #環境永續 #德淵GPS合作平臺 #綠色材料策略合作平臺轉載  自  理財周刊/新聞中心


Old Shoes Rescue Campaign: Let's Start the Action of Love Circulation Together


Old Shoes Rescue Campaign: Let's Start the Action of Love Circulation Together

Tex Year Social Welfare Association participated in the Old Shoes Rescue Campaign organized by Step30, aiming to encourage everyone to donate old shoes and other items to help underprivileged children in impoverished areas of Africa through recycling.This year, Tex Year Association collected a total of 24 boxes of supplies, including clothing, shoes, and bags for both adults and children. These warm blessings will be sent to Africa, bringing health and hope to the children.Statistics show that billions of tons of clothing are discarded globally each year, with most ending up in landfills, posing a significant burden on the environment. Therefore, by donating and reusing old items, we can not only reduce waste but also provide substantial assistance to vulnerable groups in society. Such environmental actions not only spread warmth and care but also highlight the importance of environmental awareness.In addition to the environmental benefits, such actions also reflect the importance of social care. Many children in impoverished areas cannot access adequate food and clothing due to poverty, affecting their education and health. Through initiatives like the Old Shoes Rescue Campaign, we can not only help these children meet their material needs but also provide them with more love and support, allowing them to feel the warmth and care of society.In the future, Tex Year Association will continue to invest in environmental sustainability and social welfare, committed to bringing warmth and hope to more people in need. As an ESG enterprise, Tex Year Association recognizes the importance of corporate social responsibility and will continue to focus on social, environmental, and economic issues to contribute to the construction of a better society. We also call on more companies and individuals to join environmental actions, working together to make our planet a better place. 


The first compostable straw manufacturing factory officially opened in Poland


The first compostable straw manufacturing factory officially opened in Poland

The first compostable straw manufacturing factory officially opened in Poland-TEX YEAR MINIMA TECHNOLOGY EUROPE Sp. z o. o.Tex Year Group is a well-known manufacturer and brand of various adhesives and green materials with a head office and stock-listed in Taiwan. Recently, it established a new factory in Poland in a joint venture with Minima Technology, Taiwan's largest compostable tableware and food packaging manufacturer. It will be the 9th factory of Tex Year's worldwide deployment.The opening ceremony was held on May 15th with the attendance of many distinguished guests and speakers from the industry and government of Poland and from Taiwan area. The ribbon-cutting ceremony was performed using biodegradable straws.The new 18,600-square-foot facility, scheduled to be operational in the first half of 2023, produces biodegradable straws made from naturally biodegradable, plant-based polymers certified free of Biphenyl A, phthalates or other plasticizers.Tex Year, a green material supplier, is the first material manufacturer to build a factory in Poland among the first wave of Taiwanese investment in Europe. Tex Year set up its branch in Gniezno, Poland to provide timely service in the Europe zone market.Tex Year fully uses bio-based and biodegradable materials to produce various hot melt adhesive products, and has obtained German DIN and American USDA certifications. Tex Year works together with manufacturers of food packaging, white goods, automotive assembly, woodworking, and mattress on the road to Net Zero Emissions. The European Green Deal promulgated by the European Commission at the end of 2019, triggered a strong and urgent need for the replacement of traditional plastic products.Tex Year combines CSR mission with global R&D capabilities and upper/lower stream strategic partners to build a green material GPS (Green Platform Strategy) platform and conducts R&D of a series of sustainable products to our GPS (Green Platform Strategy) that conforms to Green, Bio, Circular, and Low Carbon features.Tex Year integrates carbon emission reduction into daily life, establishing a "carbon footprint" monitoring system to contribute to "carbon neutrality", and conducts greenhouse gas inventory and low-carbon emission reduction. In recent years, on the bio-economy platform, a variety of green and sustainable hot melt adhesives have been successfully developed and obtained the DIN CERTCO certification. On the circular economy platform, Tex Year innovatively developed a solution for clean recycling, labeling of beverage bottles, high-strength pocket spring mattress adhesive, etc, which has been put into product applications in related fields.If you are interested in decomposable products, you can visit https://www.texyear-minima.com/or contact us. 

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