
Tex Year Products



Tex Year Group established the "Green Platform Strategy"(GPS) cooperation platform.


Tex Year Group established the "Green Platform Strategy"(GPS) cooperation platform.

2021年11月3日,德淵集團正式成立GPS平臺(綠色材料策略合作平臺GREEN PLATFORM STRATEGY ),此次揭幕儀式結合線上直播和線下研討的方式,在第一時間同全球的與會嘉賓共用喜訊。德淵GPS成立背景近年來,可持續發展和碳達峰碳中和是近年全球的熱門探討的主題。大力發展迴圈經濟,推動資源節約集約迴圈利用,通過提高資源利用效率為碳達峰碳中和提供有力支撐,已得到科學驗證、成為普遍共識。2015年,聯合國發佈了《翻轉我們的世界:2030 年永續發展方針》,其中規劃出17項永續發展目標,方針兼顧了「經濟成長」、「社會進步」與「環境保護」等三大面向。習近平總書記也指出,要把碳達峰碳中和納入經濟社會發展和生態文明建設整體佈局。碳達峰碳中和明確了我國經濟社會發展全面綠色轉型的戰略方向和目標要求,將成為生態文明建設的重要抓手。因此,需要全球的行動,維持並攜手合作夥伴關係,繼續往可持續發展的方向深化前進。在45周年之際,德淵精英團隊結合德淵CSR使命和全球的研發實力,提出“綠色材料策略合作平臺”,簡稱GPS。通過平臺的建立,攜手上下游戰略夥伴,打造綠色材料的平臺,以GPS平臺合作導入領域及跨國合作,替戰略夥伴導航 到綠色材料 應用的新藍海,為可持續發展和綠色經濟做出積極的貢獻。引領創新、促進轉型是實現可持續發展的重要途徑德淵以膠起身,深知工業供應鏈發展中的瓶頸和趨勢。德淵踐行綠色經濟,在保護生態、促進綠色低碳發展方面的產品採取積極的行動,將減少碳排放融入日常生活的細微行動建立“碳足跡”監測系統為“碳達峰、碳中和”貢獻力量,生產車間進行溫室氣體盤查和低碳減排。 德淵在GPS建立的技術基礎上構建四大平臺實現綠色發展的根本手段就是主打低碳產品德淵集團致力於環保經營,一直以來都努力在原材料採購、開發、生產、物流、使用及廢棄等產品的整個生命週期的各個環節減少碳排放。在研發上積極投入資金和人力,在2021年成功研發出多款符合綠色環保的熱熔膠,並取得德國DIN Bio標章,而在德淵堿水脫標綠色的膠材技術更是一絕,已投入相關領域的產品應用。會中德淵研發詳細介紹了德淵踐行綠色低碳、同質可回收的膠材及應用,其中包括生物基熱熔膠、生物可降解&可堆肥膠材等。入會GPS,實踐綠色低碳經濟,環保盈利雙豐收此次活動精彩紛呈,亮點不斷。透過不同課題的研討,充滿活力的GPS平臺產業生態體系正在形成初步規模,隨著政府配套政策及行業政策體系慢慢完善,平臺發展將更加完善、技術創新更全面。1、《ESG循環創新的真實價值》主講人:KPMG永續發展顧問公司 黃正忠 董事總經理  人類發展史中,每一次能源轉換,都蘊藏著超乎預期的價值。可再生能源之所以被科技行業視為碳中和行動的關鍵一步,而碳中和方面的核心點,是產品製造和供應鏈。2、《從循環經濟看來來產業的商機》主講人:工研院產服中心 莊馨雅 組長  無論是經濟增長模式和產業結構、能源結構的調整,還是消費模式、生活方式及生態建設,都將受此影響。循環經濟中還暗藏了哪些機遇呢?3、《企業淨零思維的永續發展策略與應對措施》主講人:ITRI綠能所  黃文輝 博士  “零”是我們需要達成的目標,更需要有目的性、決策性的規劃和部署。4、《德淵GPS入會辦法》主講人:德淵策略暨經營管理處 曹連第 副總經理  在GPS平臺,企業結盟謀未來、創收益。歡迎大家加入GPS平臺,可聯繫我們 JennyY@texyear.com 索取入會申請書。今後,德淵還將繼續推行生物降解材料的技術革新,持續削減不可降解材料使用量,並以全新構想促進全面迴圈經濟的實現。 GPS蘊含的機會十分廣闊,加入德淵GPS平臺,相信德淵與各企業間和諧、共贏地合作,在多變的商海中持續穩贏。 


Tex Year Receives Dual Honors in the 2nd "Sustainable Development Category" and "Universal International Category - Quality Potential Enterprise" in New Taipei Enterprise Classic Awards


Tex Year Receives Dual Honors in the 2nd "Sustainable Development Category" and "Universal International Category - Quality Potential Enterprise" in New Taipei Enterprise Classic Awards

Tex Year Industries Inc. has been honored with two prestigious awards in the 2nd New Taipei Enterprise Classic Awards, organized by New Taipei City Government. The Company received recognition in the "Sustainable Development Category" and the newly established "Universal International Category – Quality Potential Enterprise." These honors not only affirm Tex Year's long-standing commitment to sustainable environmental practices but also highlight our contributions to urban economic development, international competitiveness, and sustainable operations in the corporate sector of New Taipei City.As a company deeply rooted in New Taipei City for nearly five decades, Tex Year began as a trading company and has since evolved into a research and development leader in producing high-performance adhesives. The Company successfully launched well-known products such as "HOT MELT®" and "3 Second® Super Glue." In recent years, Tex Year has continually enhanced its product designs, introducing the "De-bonding on Demand®" series, which includes adhesives that support reworking, homogeneous recycling, clean separation, and biodegradability. These products ensure that no material is wasted, or environmental burden created during use or final product disposal, whether bonding or disassembling.Additionally, Tex Year adheres to the core principle of "pursuing balanced development," focusing on the development of environmentally friendly, safe, and healthy materials and solutions. Through Green Platform Strategy®, Tex Year collaborates with upstream and downstream partners to establish innovative technologies and strategic alliances, actively promoting the green transformation of industries. Tex Year will continue to excel in the fields of sustainable development and environmental innovation, advancing toward the SDGs and fulfilling its commitment to corporate social responsibility.From left to right: New Taipei City Mayor Hou, Yu-I, Sustainability Officer of Tex Year Tsao, Lien-TiFor more information, please visit the official website and LinkedIn page of Tex Year:Website: https://www.texyear.com/green.php?act=productLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/5802267/admin/For further inquiries, please contact:Spokesperson: Roger Kao, Chief Financial OfficerOr media contact: Linda Yao, Acting Spokesperson 


Tex Year debuted at the 2024 Asia Responsible Enterprise Awards and won the Green Leadership Award


Tex Year debuted at the 2024 Asia Responsible Enterprise Awards and won the Green Leadership Award

The Asia Responsible Enterprise Awards (AREA), organized by Enterprise Asia, held its awards ceremony on June 28 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Tex Year participated for the first time and received the "Green Leadership Award", recognizing the achievements of Tex Year’s Green Platform Strategy® (GPS). This accolade highlights Tex Year's outstanding performance in the field of sustainable development, earning high praise and recognition on an international level.Green Platform Strategy® has entered its third year, following Tex Year’s sustainable development strategy roadmap. By integrating global R&D and operational management resources, Tex Year has collaborated with over 100 strategic partners across industry, government, and academia to build the GPS ecosystem. Through various information exchanges, seminars, and other activities, we jointly develop green material technologies and continuously promote concrete solutions for sustainable development. To date, Tex Year has cooperatively developed over 100 new green products and technologies. Moving forward, the Company aims to fulfill its corporate responsibility for the low-carbon economic transition of the industry, navigating towards new horizons in green materials and carbon reduction solutions, and constructing a sustainable economy.In the first half of 2024, Tex Year is expected to benefit from stabilized raw material costs and steady growth in shipments from major customers in various regions. The Company’s gross profit margin is returning to normal levels, with both revenue and profitability anticipated to grow. Beyond optimistic operational performance, since the establishment of the GPS Green Platform Strategy®, the proportion of revenue from green materials has increased to 87%. As of May 2024, the growth rate of using new green materials in innovative product development has increased by more than 20% compared to the same period last year. This demonstrates Tex Year’s ongoing investment in enhancing green material R&D capabilities, improving energy efficiency, and reducing carbon emissions, thoroughly preparing for and actively responding to global environmental trends.From left to right: Vice Chairman of Enterprise Asia Mr. Willian NG, General Manager of Tex Year (Vietnam) Fang, I-Wen and Managing Director of KPMG Sustainability Consulting Dr. Niven HuangFor more information, please visit the official website and LinkedIn page of Tex Year:Website: https://www.texyear.com/green.php?act=productLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/5802267/admin/For further inquiries, please contact:Spokesperson: Roger Kao, Chief Financial OfficerOr media contact: Linda Yao, Acting Spokesperson 


Tex Year Excels in Governance, Top 1% in Sub-5 Billion NT Category.


Tex Year Excels in Governance, Top 1% in Sub-5 Billion NT Category.

On June 13, 2024, the Taiwan Stock Exchange grandly held the "10th Corporate Governance Evaluation Awards Ceremony," where Tex Year's Chief Sustainability Officer, Tim Tsao, attended on behalf of the company to receive the award.Tex Year ranked in the 6%-20% range among listed companies in the 10th Corporate Governance Evaluation, achieving its best result in history.At the same time, Tex Year was awarded the newly established category for "Companies with a Market Value of Less Than 5 Billion NT Dollars," ranking in the top 1% among listed companies, standing out in the plastics and chemicals sector.  Since its establishment, Tex Year has been dedicated to enhancing corporate governance and fulfilling social responsibilities. With significant improvements in corporate governance evaluations over the past few years, this honor not only proves the efficiency and foresight of Tex Year 's internal management but also acknowledges our efforts in various aspects of corporate governance. In the future, Tex Year will continue to strengthen corporate governance, aiming to create more value for shareholders, employees, and society, and jointly move towards a sustainable future.For more information, please visit the official website and LinkedIn page of Tex Year:Website: https://www.texyear.com/green.php?act=productLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/5802267/admin/For further inquiries, please contact:Spokesperson: Roger Kao, Chief Financial OfficerOr media contact: Linda Yao, Acting Spokesperson 


Tex Year Attends the 9th DHPF-Bio! 2024 Forum on Biobased and Biodegradable Materials for Disposable Hygiene Products, Wins Innovation Award


Tex Year Attends the 9th DHPF-Bio! 2024 Forum on Biobased and Biodegradable Materials for Disposable Hygiene Products, Wins Innovation Award

Tex Year participated in the 9th DHPF-Bio! 2024 Forum on Biobased and Biodegradable Materials for Disposable Hygiene Products on May 20, 2024.The 9th DHPF-Bio! 2024 Forum focuses on biodegradable and biobased materials and their application in the hygiene product market. By offering innovative discussions, business opportunities, and showcasing biobased and biodegradable materials and technologies, it has become an important platform for the hygiene products industry. This forum explored the major changes and trends in biobased and biodegradable materials for hygiene products, providing comprehensive updates for commercial applications.The 9th DHPF-Bio! 2024 Forum was organized by WIS Consulting Ltd., and Tex Year was invited by WIS Consulting Ltd. to share insights on new materials for the hygiene products industry.Larry Wu, R&D Manager at Tex Year Group's R&D Center, gave a professional presentation on "A Progress in Bio-sourced and Compostable Hot Melt Adhesive and the Application in Disposable Hygiene Products." During the forum.Tex Year showcased its latest material research developments, garnering significant attention and praise from the attendees. The company was honored with the forum's Innovation Award, an accolade given to only three companies, highlighting Tex Year's leading position in biobased materials and biodegradable technology.        Tex Year remains committed to innovation and research, continually advancing biobased materials and biodegradable technology, and collaborating with industry partners to achieve sustainable development goals.Bio-based Adhesive Bio-based Compostable Adhesive ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About WIS Consulting Ltd.WIS Consulting Ltd. is an organizer of high-end international conferences and consulting services, mainly organizing events related to the hygiene products industry. It facilitates communication between upstream and downstream enterprises and focuses on the field of biobased and biodegradable materials. Since 2014, WIS Consulting Ltd. has been hosting DHPF events in China, India, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa, focusing on diapers, sanitary napkins, adult diapers, and wet wipes. These events cover new technologies, raw materials, R&D, trends, and more. WIS Consulting Ltd. has strong connections with domestic and international companies and provides clients with training, consulting, and testing services, including technical consultation, finished product testing, and product inspection.


Tex Year Receives First Renewable Energy Certificate (Green Power Certificate), Expected to Obtain 7 More This Year, Continuing Commitment to ESG Corporate Sustainability


Tex Year Receives First Renewable Energy Certificate (Green Power Certificate), Expected to Obtain 7 More This Year, Continuing Commitment to ESG Corporate Sustainability

Tex Year has received its first-ever green renewable energy certificate, issued for the solar power generated by the system installed on the rooftop of its Wugu headquarters.This self-generated electricity is used internally by Tex Year and directly contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.According to regulations, one renewable energy certificate can be applied for every 1,000 kWh of electricity generated. Tex Year expects to obtain 7 renewable energy certificates (green power certificates) this year, further demonstrating its steadfast commitment to renewable energy and sustainable development.What is a Renewable Energy Certificate (REC)? It is commonly referred to as the identification card of green energy, colloquially known as T-REC. Why is renewable energy important?"Each certificate represents 1000 kilowatt-hours of green energy and can reduce approximately 0.5 metric tons of carbon emissions.Taiwan's Renewable Energy Certificate is one of the few globally supervised by the government, providing government-backed proof of green energy. In addition to government oversight, the Renewable Energy Certificate is an internationally recognized credential for green energy.Taiwan's Renewable Energy Certificate is one of the few globally that is directly supervised by the government, providing a government-backed green energy certification. In addition to government oversight, the Renewable Energy Certificate is internationally recognized as a green energy credential. 


Tex Year Company Continues to Ascend in Corporate Governance Evaluations, Ranking Among Top 6%-20% of Listed Companies This Year!


Tex Year Company Continues to Ascend in Corporate Governance Evaluations, Ranking Among Top 6%-20% of Listed Companies This Year!

In the 10th edition of the corporate governance evaluation, Tex Year was ranked in the 6% to 20% range among listed companies, and ranked in the top 1% among companies with a market value of less than 50 billion, being the only one in the plastic sector. This is our best performance in recent years, demonstrating our continuous improvement and outstanding performance in corporate governance.In recent years, we have established the GREEN PLATFORM STRATEGY®, collaborating with strategic partners upstream and downstream to address the demand for sustainable development from international regulations and end customers. We are committed to developing various types of sustainable products such as low carbon, circular, green, and bio-based products with GPS partners, actively organizing various special seminars and exchange activities to promote the green transformation of the industry, and actively implementing energy-saving and carbon reduction measures to enhance the use of green energy. Among them, Clean Recycle of PET/HDPE plastic bottle has obtained certification as a strategic cooperative supplier in the largest label market in Australia and has been promoted to Japan and Korea; while the friendly recycling hot melt adhesive for book binding has also been certified and promoted by the Japan Industrial Association.We have introduced resources from KPMG Sustainable Development Consulting Company and ITRI Industrial Technology Research Institute to construct a Sustainability Roadmap for medium to long-term development, cultivating sustainability capabilities within the group; we promote all colleagues to participate in Tzu Chi Environmental Protection Recycling Stations as volunteers, experiencing the importance of environmental protection through practical participation and discovering opportunities for green chemical product development.Starting from adhesive glue, Tex Year 's ESG commitment and action are embodied in "De-bonding on Demand TM", namely "Empowering Environmental Innovation", "Aggregating Sustainable Governance", "Empowering Social Welfare", and "Expanding Sustainable Applications". Tex Year 's corporate philosophy of "Balanced Development, Endless Innovation" has been internalized in the company's culture.In the 10th edition, a total of 1,706 listed companies participated in the evaluation. Tex Year has made significant progress in the evaluation rankings year by year, from 36% to 60% in just a few years, to the target of 6% to 20%. This honor not only recognizes the internal management team of Tex Year, but also acknowledges our efforts to continuously improve corporate governance. We firmly believe that good corporate governance is the cornerstone of long-term and stable development of enterprises, and also an important guarantee for achieving social prosperity and common good.For more information, please visit the official website and LinkedIn page of Tex Year:Website: https://www.texyear.com/green.php?act=productLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/5802267/admin/For further inquiries, please contact:Spokesperson: Roger Kao, Chief Financial OfficerOr media contact: Linda Yao, Acting Spokesperson


Building a new starting point for dreams and sailing on a new journey - Tex Year East China Operation Center opened officially!


Building a new starting point for dreams and sailing on a new journey - Tex Year East China Operation Center opened officially!

April 22 is Earth Day, and Tex Year Group’s East China Operation Center (ECOC) has a brand new opening. This important moment is consistent with the global commitment to environmental protection, embodies ECOC's commitment to sustainable development, and marks the beginning of a new era of operations for the center in East China. On this special day, Tex Year Group responded to the concept of Earth Day and combined environmental protection measures to make the opening ceremony of extraordinary significance and praiseworthy. At the opening ceremony, Arthur Weng, the General Manager of Tex Year Hot Melt Adhesive Business Unit, together with the company's senior executives, local dignitaries, corporate guests conducted the ribbon-cutting and unveiling ceremony to witness this historic moment. The establishment of ECOC marks Tex Year Group's continued efforts in the domestic market, especially in East China, and its determination to commit to scientific research and innovation. The center brings together top talents in the industry and is equipped with advanced equipment. It is committed to investing R & D resources and focusing on the development of products and green material solutions with high technological content that are beneficial to environmental protection and carbon reduction. This is not only the core business philosophy of ECOC, but also the top priority of our strategic development. As Tex Year's emerging stronghold in China, ECOC is located in Wuxi, a strategically located city with abundant talents and adjacent to Tex Year Technology (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. This geographical advantage will help attract more professionals from the Yangtze River Delta region to join our team. At the same time, we are able to respond quickly to market changes, work closely with customers, provide competitive adhesive solutions, and promote the development of the adhesive industry in a green and healthy direction domestically and even globally. Tex Year Group adheres to the concept of "Pursue Balanced Development Persistently.", implements ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) and is committed to sustainable development. On the occasion of Earth Day, the Group actively participates in global environmental protection actions and promotes internal activities such as rejecting single-use plastics, vegetarian days, turning off lights, saving energy, and green traveling to take practical actions to reduce plastic use and carbon footprint.We are not only committed to business development, but also attach importance to the protection of the global environment. Tex Year Group is committed to resource recycling and helping to build a greener world. Let us work together to innovate, take responsibility, and move toward a future in which humans and nature coexist harmoniously. 


Attack on Poland 4: Tex Year Seizes Business Opportunities by Linking Europe's Latest Regulations through Poland's Gateway


Attack on Poland 4: Tex Year Seizes Business Opportunities by Linking Europe's Latest Regulations through Poland's Gateway

In the bustling supermarkets of Warsaw, the capital of Poland, various promotional display stands, known as " Cardboard display stands", are presented in the form of cardboard stands in Poland. According to John Yeh, General Manager of Tex Year Europe Sp. z o. o., "To bond thick cardboard into a stand, not only does the adhesive need to be strong enough, but it also needs to be environmentally friendly. Currently, over 80% of the adhesive used for cardboard stands in Polish stores comes from Tex Year." Tex Year Europe Sp. z o. o. GM, John Yeh, also serves as Global R&D Chief Technology Officer, allowing him to grasp European green energy policies and research directions. (Photo by Chen Chun-Song)Established in 1976, Tex Year Group initially specialized in adhesive manufacturing. In response to the carbon reduction trend, the company shifted towards environmentally friendly hot melt adhesive products, becoming Taiwan's largest hot melt adhesive manufacturer. It currently operates overseas production bases in China, India, and Poland. Strategy: Seizing an Early Opportunity in Poland to Unlock the European Market In 2015, Tex Year decided to expand into Poland, choosing Gniezno, located about a 3-hour drive from Warsaw, as its location. This strategic decision was influenced by the fact that their first European distributor was based in this city. The joint venture initially set up the first hot melt adhesive production line and expanded with another line in 2018, making it an ideal gateway for Tex Year to enter the European market. The importance of Poland to Tex Year is evident from another perspective: John Yeh also serves as the Global Chief Technology Officer of Tex Year. "Europe has the highest environmental requirements, with more advanced materials and technology and the most proactive market applications, providing firsthand information. When the former general manager had other matters to attend to, I took over," said John Yeh with a smile. "So, my work hours often extend from Taiwan time to Poland time." Through Poland, Tex Year can quickly link up with the latest European regulations and grasp market trends. Tex Year Europe Sp. z o. o. recently announced the cessation of production of biodegradable straws due to "the EU's lack of active support for the development of biodegradable products. The board of directors decided to reallocate strategic resources." John Yeh pointed out that the EU's encouragement of recycling and reuse policies is significantly higher than the promotion of directly using biodegradable materials. Hot melt adhesive production has moved towards customization. The picture shows Tex Year's laboratory in Poland.Walking into Tex Year Europe Sp. z o. o., the office and factory have separate entrances to control personnel flow. Meeting rooms are named after major European cities, symbolizing Tex Year's ambition to penetrate every market. John Yeh emphasized, "In places without windows, regulations dictate that they cannot be used as offices, only as tea rooms or storage rooms. Enjoying sunlight is also a human right here, which is quite different from Taiwan." The factory's production lines are highly automated, with only three workers needed per line to produce hot melt adhesive sticks and granules. More manual labor is required for packaging at the back end. John Yeh said, "Almost all of the operatives are Ukrainians. After the Russo-Ukrainian war broke out, some employees resigned to return home to help with the war effort." With the global trend of plastic reduction becoming increasingly evident, the application of solvent-free environmentally friendly hot melt adhesives is expanding. John Yeh cited examples such as how plastic wrapping for soft drinks was replaced by paperboard, which requires hot melt adhesive for molding. Similarly, packaging sealing with tape, which required a large amount of manual labor in the past, is gradually being replaced by hot melt adhesive. Using spot adhesive bonding in the future will also contribute to the automation of back-end packaging operations. Process: Grasping the Latest Trends and Focusing on R&D Direction "Producing hot melt adhesive, the most challenging aspect is finding the right formula for suitable customers, followed by product stability," John Yeh pointed out. Hot melt adhesive primarily consists of EVA, along with pine resin, wheat straw, and other bio-based materials, as well as other additives mixed together. Different applications require different blending ratios. Even if they are all used on cardboard, different cardboard compositions require different formulas to achieve optimal adhesion, so customization is crucial. Due to its stable quality, Tex Year not only sells products through joint ventures to all of Europe but also attracts international brand manufacturers in Germany to request Tex Year to OEM hot melt adhesive sticks. Currently, Tex Year Europe Sp. z o. o. accounts for nearly 10% of Tex Year Group's revenue. Before the pandemic, the Polish factory had the highest profit margin among all production bases. However, during the pandemic, the multiple increases in raw material shipping costs affected profitability. "It is slowly recovering this year," emphasized John Yeh. Tex Year will continue to focus on competitive areas and gradually expand its market scale.  Source: https://rebrand.ly/gmn91b9 Wealth Magazine_No. 709_Poland Market Report by Chen Yen Chun  #TexYearGroup #TEXYEAR #TexYearPoland #AdhesiveExpert #HotMeltAdhesive #Tex_Year_GPS #GreenPlatformStrategy  


Ocean Conservation: Starting with Beach Cleaning


Ocean Conservation: Starting with Beach Cleaning

Every year, April 22nd marks Earth Day, a crucial reminder for us to pay attention to the Earth's environment and protect natural resources. On April 13th, 2024, the Tex Year Social Welfare Association initiated a beach cleaning event, calling upon residents to take action together at the Wanli Xiaoliao Beach in New Taipei, Taiwan. This year, there are 94 participants in the event.After three hours of beach cleaning, we collected a significant amount of marine debris, including many plastic products such as bottles, plastic food containers, fishing nets, Styrofoam balls, and more, totaling 140 kilograms of trash.This beach cleaning event once again reminded us of the serious challenges facing the marine environment. The massive presence of plastic waste poses a threat to marine ecosystems, affecting the survival and habitat of marine life. The disposable plastic utensils and other items we use every day are among the primary sources of this marine debris.Therefore, we should realize that protecting the marine environment is not just about beach cleaning but is a long-term task that requires active participation from everyone. We should reduce the use of disposable plastic products, encourage the use of renewable or biodegradable alternatives, and properly dispose of and recycle garbage.Through this beach cleaning event, we hope to raise more awareness about the protection of the marine environment and encourage everyone to start from small actions in our daily lives to collectively care for the Earth and strive for a better world. Let each of us become guardians of the Earth, starting with you and me, to make the Earth a better place. 

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